Case study_Matsumoto Kyoritsu Hospital
Case Study
“Thanks to Archelis I feel I can continue doing surgery”
“I wish there was an Archelis in every hospital in Japan”
Matsumoto Kyoritsu Hospital
Cardiovascular Surgery Department
Dr. Masakazu Aoki
Number of staff:450 including 38 M.D. and 209 nurses
Number of beds:199

Q. What type of operation do you use Archelis for?
We perform a lot of different types of surgery in cardiovascular medicine, but we mainly use the Archelis for cardiac, large vessel, endoscopic, and valvular surgeries. It also gets used for stent grafting and endoscopic catheterization. I’d say that if it’s a surgery that will last more than two hours, I’d try and use the Archelis as much as possible.
I rotate between five hospitals during the week, but if I know I’ll be part of a long surgery I take an Archelis with me in my suitcase.
During surgeries where I have to be on my feet at all times, I mainly use the Archelis to sit down when I need a brief rest. The level of fatigue I feel is completely different when I wear the Archelis compared to when I don’t.

Q. Why did you choose the ArchelisFX over the FXS?
I tried using both models, both the stick (FXS) and the ratchet (FX) type. I found I felt more stable with the FX model. If I was performing surgeries which required more movement maybe I would prefer to use the FXS.
The feeling of wearing the Archelis is like that of sitting in a chair, there’s very little strain on the back.

Q. How does using Archelis compare to not using it?
Before I started using the Archelis, I would feel terrible back pain right after surgeries, sometimes to the extent of not being able to move. Since I’ve started using it, I can move normally after surgeries again.
I used to have to go to physical therapy to relieve my back pain, and had all but given up on sports and exercise. I’d been having back pain for over 10 years, and the long hours spent in unnatural positions during surgery had only made the pain feel worse over time.
Now, I don’t have that terrible lingering back pain, and I haven’t been to physical therapy in months. Thanks to Archelis, I feel like I can continue doing surgery.

Q. Who would you recommend Archelis to?
I think it would be a useful tool in fluoroscopic surgery where you have to put on a heavy protector. In fact, it would be great for any surgery where those heavy protectors are needed.
I’d recommend using it from an early age, to hopefully prevent future back pain. There’s an ongoing skills shortage in the surgical field, products like Archelis will help retain skilled doctors. Of course, surgical nurses are in the same boat as surgeons, often having to stand in surgery for the same length of time as the doctors, so it’d be great for them too.
I wish there was an Archelis available in every hospital in Japan. I truly believe it would be a blessing if it was widespread across the nation.