Moa Dental Clinic
Case Study
I could maintain the ideal surgical position in a limited space.
Removing my old surgical chair made it easier for the hygienists to move around!
Kanazawa Bunko, Moa Dental Clinic
Director Dr. Yoichi Tanaka
Location :Yokohama City, Japan
Specialty :Dentistry, Pediatric Dentistry, Dental Surgery

Q. What kind of surgeries do you use Archelis for?
I use it 2 or 3 times a week, for surgeries that last around 60-90 minutes. I use it in things like implant surgery, where we use dynamic navigation surgical guides, and also for bone augmentation in areas where bone is lacking using advanced regenerative medicine techniques.
These kinds of surgeries put a lot of strain on my knees and back, but by using Archelis I can keep my concentration up during the latter stages of the operation which is a huge benefit. I’d say I actively use the Archelis for up to 70% of the surgery to ‘sit down’.

Q. Why did you choose Archelis over a traditional chair?
When I was using a chair during surgery, it would get in the way, or get caught up in wiring. Since we work in such a limited space, the fact we could remove the chair from the room makes it a lot easier for the hygienists to move around which is a big plus point for us.
I used to feel fatigued during surgeries, but with Archelis I don’t get tired. It’s not quite the same as sitting, not the same as standing – it’s an odd sensation. I’m glad I could go back to a standing position during surgery. That I can stand without the usual fatigue is quite revolutionary. It’s different enough to sitting, you’re still putting in enough of your own energy.

Q. Who would you recommend Archelis to?
I think it’s good for anyone who performs surgical treatments. Younger people in their 20s might not feel the strain on their bodies as much, but I think by using Archelis they could extend their surgical careers.
Surgery is generally performed standing up, so these kinds of assist devices are necessary. So many dental surgeons are forced into retirement from knee and back issues.
Also, anyone who does house calls or visits to facilities to treat people in wheelchairs will know it’s hard on the knees and back. I myself had to stop doing house calls because of the stress on my knees and back, so I think having something like Archelis could extend those sorts of careers too.