Case Study_Sekimoto Kanko Co., Ltd.
Case Study
“I introduced Archelis to show I cared.”
Masasuke Sekimoto
President and Representative Director
Sekimoto Kanko Co., Ltd.
Capital: 10 million yen
Number of employees: 21
Business activities: Stainless steel planning and piping work

Q. Why did you decide on Archelis?
Our company designs and constructs piping systems for use in pharmaceutical culture equipment such as incubators and bioreactors. We do work that no other companies have the skills to do, and provide services to companies nationwide.
One of our employees with chronic back pain told me that having to stand to work was getting unbearable, and I decided I had to do something to help my workers.
I looked at exoskeletons, but I didn’t want one that required power or rechargeable batteries. That’s when I found out about Archelis, and decided to try it out.

Q. What did you think after trying it?
When I put it on, it was a novel experience. I definitely felt less strain on my back while using it.
I wanted to show that I care about my workers. By bringing in Archelis, which takes care of standing workers, I’m showing that I care too. I hope that feeling will spread across workplaces.
Tatsumi Kinoshita
Sekimoto Kanko Co., Ltd.

Q. Which kind of work do you use Archelis for?
I’ve been using it in processes like pickling, polishing, and welding among others. Before I had Archelis, my back and legs would get tired easily, and after standing in place for so long my body would start to stiffen, which was quite painful.

Q. How do you feel about using Archelis?
At first I wasn’t convinced it would do anything, but after actually putting it on and doing some work with it, I felt an immediate effect. There’s no mistaking that using Archelis helps reduce muscle strain.
It was particularly apparent during pickling and polishing. I feel like my back doesn’t hurt anymore when doing standing work using Archelis. It’s become an essential tool, and doesn’t interfere with any of our usual work. It’s easier to keep concentration while working now too.

Q. How has your life changed since starting to use Archelis?
For one, I can drive home comfortably again. When my back was hurting, I’d struggle to sit down or stand up, but now I can get home without that sort of pain. I can enjoy my evenings again. I think Archelis is a lifesaver for anyone who has to work long hours standing in one place.