Four assistive suit companies establish the Assistive Suit Association and organize Assistive Suit Summit on January.
Archelis Inc. (Yokohama, Kanagawa; CEO: Hideaki Fujisawa), Innophys Corporation (Shinjuku, Tokyo; President: Daigo Orihara), Kaji Corporation (Okuizumo-cho, Nita-gun, Shimane; President: Kaname Ogawa), and Daydo Co. (Kawachinagano-shi, Osaka; President: Naoyuki Oida) have launched a voluntary organization, the Assistive Suit Association, to raise awareness of assistive suits and accelerate market formation. In addition, Japan’s first “Assist Suit Summit,” an exhibition and hands-on experience limited to assistive technology-related companies, will be held at the Daikanyama T-SITE GARDEN GALLERY on January 20, 2023 (Friday).

■Manufacturers cooperate to expand the assist suit market
Assist suits (power-assist suits) are products developed to reduce the load placed on the body when lifting and lowering heavy objects by means of motor assist and the load-dispersing effect of artificial muscles and other devices. It can reduce the physical load in various industries such as logistics, construction, manufacturing, agriculture, medical care, and nursing care, where manual labor is required. With labor shortages and the aging of society becoming serious social issues in recent years, the market for assistive suits is expected to expand as a means of helping to shorten work hours, improve work efficiency, and support the employment of elderly people and women. On the other hand, customers are interested in utilizing assistive suits to secure employees and improve the environment in which they can continue working, but some say, “There are various types of assistive suits available, and we cannot find one that meets our needs,” or “There is no place where we can experience the suit even if we wanted to. From the sales perspective of a development company, we are faced with the issue of “it takes time and effort to negotiate with each company to have a place for demonstration. In order to break through this current situation, companies related to the Assistive Suit have decided to cooperate in raising awareness of Assistive Suit products, forming a market, and conducting educational activities. We have already held joint trial sessions for industry associations and companies on business trips, which have been well received. In the future, we will consider various initiatives in addition to holding events.
Assistive Suit Association Website:
【Organization Profile】
Organization: Assistive Suit Association of Japan
Name: Japan assist-suit association
Type of organization: Voluntary
Establishment: November 11, 2022
Representative Director: Shigeaki Iida (Arcelis Corporation)
Director: Yosuke Nakanishi (Kaji Corporation)
Director: Kosuke Nagasawa (Innofis Corporation)
Director: Hiroki Nishi (Daydo Corporation)
Executive Director: Naoya Kondo (DAIDOH Co., Ltd.)
【Participating Companies】
・Archelis Corporation
Development of the product started after consultation with a doctor who felt a decline in performance caused by the physical strain of prolonged surgery = standing work. The product name and company name, “Archelis,” is derived from “a chair that can be walked on. Archelis,” which allows users to sit while standing, is now widely used at medical facilities and various factories.
・Innophys Corporation
Develops Muscle Suit®, an assistive suit that reduces the burden on the lower back when maintaining a mid-back posture, lifting people or heavy objects, and other tasks. It assists up to 25.5 kgf and weighs only 3.8 kg. As of the end of April 2021, the cumulative shipments of Muscle Suit® series exceeded 20,000 units. As of the end of April 2021, the cumulative shipments of the MuscleSuit® series exceeded 20,000 units, making it the world’s largest exoskeleton-type assistive suit using artificial muscles (according to our own research).
・Kaji Corporation
As the exclusive distributor for the Asian region of LAEVO B.V. (CEO Rogier Barents) of the Netherlands, Kaji handles the “Raybo” assistive orthosis (exoskeleton). Kaji Co., Ltd. has developed its own material, “EXGEL,” which is used in the padding of Reivo to improve the wearing comfort of Laevo.
・Daydo Corporation Ltd.
DAIDOH LIMITED is a company that plans, designs, produces, and sells products that are friendly to the living and working environments. In the field of assistive suits, the company has developed the TASK series, which uses springs and dampers and applies unique design technology that does not use electricity. The company leads the industry in the field of assistive suits for upward work.
■”Assist Suit Summit” where visitors can experience assistive suits from four companies at once
Assist Suit Summit,” Japan’s first exhibition exclusively for companies related to assistive suits, will be held at Daikanyama T-SITE GARDEN GALLERY on January 20, 2023 (Friday). In addition to experiencing and consulting on the introduction of assistive suits from four companies participating in the Assistive Suit Association, there will be a lecture by Daisuke Osaka, a physical therapist who supports the introduction of assistive suits, and a panel discussion by people who have introduced assistive suits.
Media representatives are also welcome to attend. If you wish to attend, please contact the Assistive Suit Association Secretariat at
Outline of the Assistive Suit Summit
Event Summary
Date and time: Friday, January 20, 2023, 10:30-18:00
Venue: Daikanyama T-SITE GARDEN GALLERY (16-15 Sarugaku-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo)
Terms of admission: No advance registration required / free entry and exit
Hosted by: Assistive Suit Association
Event details page:
Event Details
10:30-18:00 Exhibition and hands-on experience of assistive suits from four member companies of the Assistive Suit Association
11:00 Lecture “Learning from Physical Therapists, Preventing Workplace Accidents Using Assistive Suit” (30 minutes)
Lecturer: Daisuke Osaka, physical therapist and work management specialist (Representative Director, C.E.F. Robotas Co., Ltd.)
13:30 Panel Discussion “Ask those who have experience introducing assistive suits!” Points of the on-site introduction of assistive suits” (45 minutes)
1) Archelis (Archelis Inc.)
An assistive suit that enables people to work standing up for long periods of time without any burden on their legs and hips.

2) Muscle Suit EVERY (Innofis Corporation)
Muscle Suit EVERY is an assistive suit that can be used for everything from reducing the load on the lower back at the workplace to providing support for minor daily strenuous tasks. Muscle Suit Every is an assistive suit created to realize a healthy lifestyle for all people.

3) Laevo (Kaji Co., Ltd.)
The concept of “Reivo” is not to create strength, but to reuse and use one’s own strength without wasting it.
This reduces the burden on the shoulders and lower back during forward bending posture work.

4) TASK AR (Daido Co., Ltd.)
A lightweight and compact assistive suit that supports the upper arm. It is used in agriculture and construction sites.

For inquiries, please contact
Assist Suit Association Secretariat, Public Relations: Takashima (INOFIS Corporation)
E-mail address: